Levante’s Winless Streak
While living in Valencia I fell in love with their local footbal clubs. At the time Levante were playing in Spain’s second division, going on to eventually ...
While living in Valencia I fell in love with their local footbal clubs. At the time Levante were playing in Spain’s second division, going on to eventually ...
Using Joey Chestnut’s reign as Nathan’s hot dog eating contest as an example for adding color to a ggplot title or subtitle.
In an effort to compare professional disc golfer earnings, I web scrape the PDGA website to access player prize money.
I first learned about code snippets in RStudio from Sean Lopp’s talk about RStudio Tips and Tricks at the 2017 New York R Conference. Ever since seeing the ...
This week’s Tidy Tuesday dataset presents the IMDb episode ratings for the hit sitcom, Friends. I decided to create a rank-lollipop chart to visualize how ep...